El Palitroque de las Cavernas - Jarri Marquerie

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De mechero a rosa - Jarri Marquerie

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El Gag del Tres y Medio - Jarri Marquerie

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La Granja Mágica - Frank Pacheco

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Mándame un Whatsapp - Frank Pacheco

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Sorpresa Emoticono - Frank Pacheco y Juan Luis de Jerez

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Double prediction Emojis Animals - Frank Pacheco

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Predicción 4ª Dimensión - Frank Pacheco

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Signature from the past - Frank Pacheco

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Magic Opener - Jarri Marquerie

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Baraja La Elegida - Jarri Marquerie

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Chinese Bracelets - Jarri Marquerie

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Carta Amazona - Jarrie Marquerie

Desaparición de la carta pensada Jumbo - Jarri Marquerie

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Crujecuellos - Jarri Marquerie

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The Ball - Miguel Ángel Gea

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Mini Card Project - Magos Artesanos

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Recambios Mini Card Project

Protector de Baraja Transparente

Baraja Subliminal - Antonio Romero

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Bolsa de Cambios/Forzaje Deluxe - Estilo Tote Bag

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¡En Exclusiva!

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Mezcla de Colores - Jarri Marquerie

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Ratita con sorpresa - Jarri Marquerie

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Varita chonguí - Jarri Marquerie

Magical Honeycomb 2021 - Tenyo Magic